Source: Input/Input.js

import Keys from './Keys';

 * Handle game input
class Input {
  constructor() {
     * Reference to the canvas used for mouse input.
     * Automatically added by the Engine.
    this.canvas = null;

     * The scale of the canvas, aka the pixel size.
     * Added automatically by the Engine
    this.canvasScale = 1;

     * The width of the game screen.
     * Not affected by this.canvasScale.
     * Added automatically by the Engine.
    this.screenWidth = 1;

     * The height of the game screen.
     * Not affected by this.canvasScale.
     * Added automatically by the Engine.
    this.screenHeight = 1;

     * Object containing input state of the mouse.
     * mouse.isOffScreen,
     * mouse.position.x,
     * mouse.position.y,
     * mouse.left.pressed,
     * mouse.left.down,
     * mouse.left.up,
     * mouse.right.pressed,
     * mouse.right.down,
     * mouse.right.up
    this.mouse = {};
    this.mouse.isOffScreen = true;
    this.mouse.position = {
      x: -1,
      y: -1,

    this.mouse.left = {
      pressed: false,
      down: false,
      up: false,

    this.mouse.right = {
      pressed: false,
      down: false,
      up: false,

     * Caches keyboard key states.
    this._keysRaw = new Uint8ClampedArray( 256 );

     * Keyboard states for the current frame
    this._currentKeys = new Uint8ClampedArray( 256 );

     * Keyboard states for the last frame
    this._lastKeys = new Uint8ClampedArray( 256 );

     * Maps standard game buttons to keyboard keys.
    this._buttonsToKeys = new Uint8ClampedArray( 32 );

     * Maps standard game buttons to alternate keyboard keys
    this._buttonsToAltKeys = new Uint8ClampedArray( 32 );

     * Maps standard game buttons to joypad buttons
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons = new Int8Array( 32 );

     * Maps standard game buttons to alternate joypad buttons
    this._buttonsToAltJoyButtons = new Int8Array( 32 );
    this._buttonsToAltJoyButtons.fill( -1 );

     * Maps standard game buttons to joypad axes
    this._buttonsToJoyAxes = new Int8Array( 32 );

     * gamepad button states for the current frame
    this._currentJoyButtons = new Uint8ClampedArray( 20 );

     * gamepad button states for the last frame
    this._lastJoyButtons = new Uint8ClampedArray( 20 );

     * gamepad axes states for the current frame
    this._currentJoyAxes = new Array( 9 );

     * gamepad axes states for the last frame
    this._lastJoyAxes = new Array( 9 );

    // default button mappings
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.GAME_LEFT] = Keys.LEFT_ARROW;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.GAME_RIGHT] = Keys.RIGHT_ARROW;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.GAME_UP] = Keys.UP_ARROW;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.GAME_DOWN] = Keys.DOWN_ARROW;

    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.GAME_ACTION_ONE] = Keys.Z_KEY;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.GAME_ACTION_TWO] = Keys.X_KEY;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.GAME_ACTION_THREE] = Keys.A_KEY;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.GAME_ACTION_FOUR] = Keys.S_KEY;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.GAME_LEFT_TRIGGER] = Keys.Q_KEY;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.GAME_RIGHT_TRIGGER] = Keys.W_KEY;

    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.GAME_PAUSE] = Keys.P_KEY;

    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.MENU_LEFT] = Keys.LEFT_ARROW;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.MENU_RIGHT] = Keys.RIGHT_ARROW;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.MENU_UP] = Keys.UP_ARROW;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.MENU_DOWN] = Keys.DOWN_ARROW;

    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.MENU_CONFIRM] = Keys.Z_KEY;
    this._buttonsToKeys[Input.MENU_BACK] = Keys.X_KEY;

    // default alt button mappings
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.GAME_LEFT] = Keys.J_KEY;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.GAME_RIGHT] = Keys.L_KEY;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.GAME_UP] = Keys.I_KEY;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.GAME_DOWN] = Keys.K_KEY;

    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.GAME_ACTION_ONE] = Keys.SPACE;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.GAME_ACTION_TWO] = Keys.D_KEY;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.GAME_ACTION_THREE] = Keys.C_KEY;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.GAME_ACTION_FOUR] = Keys.V_KEY;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.GAME_LEFT_TRIGGER] = Keys.SHIFT;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.GAME_RIGHT_TRIGGER] = Keys.ALT;

    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.GAME_PAUSE] = Keys.ENTER;

    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.MENU_LEFT] = Keys.J_KEY;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.MENU_RIGHT] = Keys.L_KEY;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.MENU_UP] = Keys.I_KEY;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.MENU_DOWN] = Keys.K_KEY;

    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.MENU_CONFIRM] = Keys.SPACE;
    this._buttonsToAltKeys[Input.MENU_BACK] = Keys.D_KEY;

    // default joypad button mappings
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.GAME_LEFT] = 14;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.GAME_RIGHT] = 15;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.GAME_UP] = 12;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.GAME_DOWN] = 13;

    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.GAME_ACTION_ONE] = 0;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.GAME_ACTION_TWO] = 1;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.GAME_ACTION_THREE] = 2;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.GAME_ACTION_FOUR] = 3;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.GAME_LEFT_TRIGGER] = 4;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.GAME_RIGHT_TRIGGER] = 5;

    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.GAME_PAUSE] = 9;

    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.MENU_LEFT] = 14;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.MENU_RIGHT] = 15;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.MENU_UP] = 12;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.MENU_DOWN] = 13;

    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.MENU_CONFIRM] = 0;
    this._buttonsToJoyButtons[Input.MENU_BACK] = 1;

    // default joypad alt button mappings
    this._buttonsToAltJoyButtons[Input.GAME_LEFT_TRIGGER] = 6;
    this._buttonsToAltJoyButtons[Input.GAME_RIGHT_TRIGGER] = 7;

    this._buttonsToAltJoyButtons[Input.GAME_PAUSE] = 16;

    // default joypad axis mappings
    this._buttonsToJoyAxes[Input.GAME_LEFT] = -1;
    this._buttonsToJoyAxes[Input.GAME_RIGHT] = 1;
    this._buttonsToJoyAxes[Input.GAME_UP] = -2;
    this._buttonsToJoyAxes[Input.GAME_DOWN] = 2;

    this._buttonsToJoyAxes[Input.MENU_LEFT] = -1;
    this._buttonsToJoyAxes[Input.MENU_RIGHT] = 1;
    this._buttonsToJoyAxes[Input.MENU_UP] = -2;
    this._buttonsToJoyAxes[Input.MENU_DOWN] = 2;

     * Is the left mouse button down this frame?
    this._currentMouseLeft = false;
     * Was the left mouse button down last frame?
    this._lastMouseLeft = false;

     * Force the left mouse button state to be down this frame.
     * Used for the edge case in which a mouse button is clicked up and down all in the span of one frame.
    this._forceMouseLeftDown = false;

     * Is the right mouse button down this frame?
    this._currentMouseRight = false;

     * Was the right mouse button down last frame?
    this._lastMouseRight = false;

     * Force the right mouse button state to be down this frame.
     * Used for the edge case in which a mouse button is clicked up and down all in the span of one frame.
    this._forceMouseRightDown = false;

     * How far from center does an axis need to be to count as pressed?
    this._axisThreshold = 0.4;

     * Which keys do not cause event.preventDefault to be called on keydown events.
     * By default this is the escape key and all function keys
    this._allowDefaultKeys = [

     * This mode runs the engine without drawing to a canvas or playing audio.
     * This is useful to use the engine to generate image data.
    this.dataOnlyMode = false;

   * Do initial setup. Add event listeners.
  init() {
    if ( this.dataOnlyMode ) {

    window.addEventListener( 'keydown', this._keyDown.bind( this ), false );
    window.addEventListener( 'keyup', this._keyUp.bind( this ), false );

    window.onfocus = () => {

    window.onblur = () => {

    if ( this.canvas ) {
      this.canvas.oncontextmenu = ( e ) => {

      this.canvas.addEventListener( 'pointerenter', this._pointerEnter.bind( this ), false );
      this.canvas.addEventListener( 'pointermove', this._pointerMove.bind( this ), false );
      this.canvas.addEventListener( 'pointerdown', this._pointerDown.bind( this ), false );
      this.canvas.addEventListener( 'pointerup', this._pointerUp.bind( this ), false );
      this.canvas.addEventListener( 'pointerleave', this._pointerLeave.bind( this ), false );

   * handle window keydown events
   * @param {*} e
  _keyDown( e ) {
    // prevent default on all keys but escape and function keys
    if ( !this._allowDefaultKeys.includes( e.which ) ) {

    if ( e.code ) {
      this._keysRaw[Keys.codesToKeyCodes[e.code]] = 1;
    else {
      this._keysRaw[e.keyCode] = 1;

   * handle window keyup events
   * @param {*} e
  _keyUp( e ) {
    if ( e.code ) {
      this._keysRaw[Keys.codesToKeyCodes[e.code]] = 0;
    else {
      this._keysRaw[e.keyCode] = 0;

   * Handle pointerenter event
  _pointerEnter() {
    this.mouse.isOffScreen = false;
    this._currentMouseLeft = false;
    this._currentMouseRight = false;

   * Handle pointermove event
   * @param {*} e
  _pointerMove( e ) {
    const canvasRect = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
    this.mouse.position = {
      x: Math.floor( ( e.clientX - canvasRect.left ) / this.canvasScale ),
      y: this.screenHeight - Math.floor( ( e.clientY - ) / this.canvasScale ) - 1,

   * Handle pointerdown event
   * @param {*} e
  _pointerDown( e ) {
    if ( e.button === 0 ) {
      // left button
      this._currentMouseLeft = true;
      this._forceMouseLeftDown = true;
    else if ( e.button === 2 ) {
      // right button
      this._currentMouseRight = true;
      this._forceMouseRightDown = true;

   * handle pointerup event
   * @param {*} e
  _pointerUp( e ) {
    if ( e.button === 0 ) {
      // left button
      this._currentMouseLeft = false;
    else if ( e.button === 2 ) {
      // right button
      this._currentMouseRight = false;

   * handle pointerleave event
  _pointerLeave() {
    this.mouse.isOffScreen = true;

   * clear out all of the input
  clearInput() {
    for ( let i = 0; i < 256; i += 1 ) {
      this._keysRaw[i] = 0;
      this._lastKeys[i] = 0;
      this._currentKeys[i] = 0;

   * Update the input, should be done first thing in the game loop.
   * Called automatically by the Engine.
  pollInput() {
    for ( let i = 0; i < 20; i += 1 ) {
      this._lastJoyButtons[i] = this._currentJoyButtons[i];
      this._currentJoyButtons[i] = 0;

    for ( let i = 0; i < 9; i += 1 ) {
      this._lastJoyAxes[i] = this._currentJoyAxes[i];
      this._currentJoyAxes[i] = 0;

    try {
      const gamePads = navigator.getGamepads();
      for ( let i = 0; i < gamePads.length; i += 1 ) {
        const gamePad = gamePads[i];
        if ( gamePad ) {
          for ( let b = 0; b < gamePad.buttons.length; b += 1 ) {
            if ( b < 20 && gamePad.buttons[b].pressed ) {
              this._currentJoyButtons[b] = 1;
          for ( let a = 0; a < gamePad.axes.length; a += 1 ) {
            if ( a < 8 ) {
              this._currentJoyAxes[a + 1] = gamePad.axes[a];
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
    catch ( err ) {}

    for ( let i = 0; i < 256; i += 1 ) {
      this._lastKeys[i] = this._currentKeys[i];
      this._currentKeys[i] = this._keysRaw[i];
    // index 0 is always off
    this._lastKeys[0] = 0;
    this._currentKeys[0] = 0;


    this.mouse.left.pressed = this._forceMouseLeftDown ? true : this._currentMouseLeft;
    this.mouse.left.down = this._forceMouseLeftDown ? true : this._currentMouseLeft && !this._lastMouseLeft;
    this.mouse.left.up = !this._currentMouseLeft && this._lastMouseLeft;

    this.mouse.right.pressed = this._forceMouseRightDown ? true : this._currentMouseRight;
    this.mouse.right.down = this._forceMouseRightDown ? true : this._currentMouseRight && !this._lastMouseRight;
    this.mouse.right.up = !this._currentMouseRight && this._lastMouseRight;

    this._forceMouseLeftDown = false;
    this._forceMouseRightDown = false;

    this._lastMouseLeft = this._currentMouseLeft;
    this._lastMouseRight = this._currentMouseRight;

   * return true if the key is currently held down
   * @param {number} keyCode
  getKeyPressed( keyCode ) {
    if ( keyCode < 0 || keyCode >= 256 ) {
      return false;

    return this._currentKeys[keyCode] > 0;

   * return true if the key was pressed down this frame
   * @param {number} keyCode
  getKeyDown( keyCode ) {
    if ( keyCode < 0 || keyCode >= 256 ) {
      return false;

    const current = this._currentKeys[keyCode] > 0;
    const last = this._lastKeys[keyCode] > 0;
    return current && !last;

   * return true if the key was released this frame
   * @param {number} keyCode
  getKeyUp( keyCode ) {
    if ( keyCode < 0 || keyCode >= 256 ) {
      return false;

    const current = this._currentKeys[keyCode] > 0;
    const last = this._lastKeys[keyCode] > 0;
    return !current && last;

   * return true if the joypad button is currently held down
   * This is the joypad from the Gamepad API, and generally should only
   * be used when detecting inputs to remap controls. For normal
   * gameplay use Input.getButtonPressed
   * @param {number} buttonIndex
  getJoyButtonPressed( buttonIndex ) {
    if ( buttonIndex < 0 || buttonIndex >= 20 ) {
      return false;

    return this._currentJoyButtons[buttonIndex] > 0;

   * return true if the joypad button was pressed down this frame.
   * This is the joypad from the Gamepad API, and generally should only
   * be used when detecting inputs to remap controls. For normal
   * gameplay use Input.getButtonDown
   * @param {number} buttonIndex
  getJoyButtonDown( buttonIndex ) {
    if ( buttonIndex < 0 || buttonIndex >= 20 ) {
      return false;

    const current = this._currentJoyButtons[buttonIndex] > 0;
    const last = this._lastJoyButtons[buttonIndex] > 0;
    return current && !last;

   * return true if the joypad button was released this frame.
   * This is the joypad from the Gamepad API, and generally should only
   * be used when detecting inputs to remap controls. For normal
   * gameplay use Input.getButtonUp
   * @param {number} buttonIndex
  getJoyButtonUp( buttonIndex ) {
    if ( buttonIndex < 0 || buttonIndex >= 20 ) {
      return false;

    const current = this._currentJoyButtons[buttonIndex] > 0;
    const last = this._lastJoyButtons[buttonIndex] > 0;
    return !current && last;

   * Helper function for joypad axes
   * @param {*} axisIndex
   * @param {*} axisArray
  _axisFromArrayIsPressed( axisIndex, axisArray ) {
    if ( axisIndex === 0 || axisIndex > 8 || axisIndex < -8 ) {
      return 0;

    const isNegative = axisIndex < 0;
    const value = axisArray[Math.abs( axisIndex )];

    return isNegative ? value <= -this._axisThreshold : value >= this._axisThreshold;

   * return true if the joypad axis is currently held down
   * This is the joypad from the Gamepad API, and generally should only
   * be used when detecting inputs to remap controls. For normal
   * gameplay use Input.getButtonPressed
   * @param {number} axisIndex
  getJoyAxisPressed( axisIndex ) {
    return this._axisFromArrayIsPressed( axisIndex, this._currentJoyAxes );

   * return true if the joypad axis was pressed down this frame
   * This is the joypad from the Gamepad API, and generally should only
   * be used when detecting inputs to remap controls. For normal
   * gameplay use Input.getButtonDown
   * @param {number} axisIndex
  getJoyAxisDown( axisIndex ) {
    const current = this.getJoyAxisPressed( axisIndex );
    const last = this._axisFromArrayIsPressed( axisIndex, this._lastJoyAxes );

    return current && !last;

   * return true if the joypad axis was released this frame
   * This is the joypad from the Gamepad API, and generally should only
   * be used when detecting inputs to remap controls. For normal
   * gameplay use Input.getButtonUp
   * @param {number} axisIndex
  getJoyAxisUp( axisIndex ) {
    const current = this.getJoyAxisPressed( axisIndex );
    const last = this._axisFromArrayIsPressed( axisIndex, this._lastJoyAxes );

    return !current && last;

   * return true if the standard game button is currently held down
   * @param {number} buttonCode
  getButtonPressed( buttonCode ) {
    const key = this._buttonsToKeys[buttonCode];
    const altKey = this._buttonsToAltKeys[buttonCode];
    const joyButton = this._buttonsToJoyButtons[buttonCode];
    const altJoyButton = this._buttonsToAltJoyButtons[buttonCode];
    const joyAxis = this._buttonsToJoyAxes[buttonCode];

    const keyPressed = this._currentKeys[key];
    const altKeyPressed = this._currentKeys[altKey];
    const joyButtonPressed = this._currentJoyButtons[joyButton];
    const altJoyButtonPressed = this._currentJoyButtons[altJoyButton];
    const joyAxisPressed = this._axisFromArrayIsPressed( joyAxis, this._currentJoyAxes );
    return keyPressed || altKeyPressed || joyButtonPressed || altJoyButtonPressed || joyAxisPressed;

   * return true if the standard game button was pressed down this frame
   * @param {number} buttonCode
  getButtonDown( buttonCode ) {
    const currentPressed = this.getButtonPressed( buttonCode );

    if ( currentPressed ) {
      const key = this._buttonsToKeys[buttonCode];
      const altKey = this._buttonsToAltKeys[buttonCode];
      const joyButton = this._buttonsToJoyButtons[buttonCode];
      const altJoyButton = this._buttonsToAltJoyButtons[buttonCode];
      const joyAxis = this._buttonsToJoyAxes[buttonCode];

      const lastKeyPressed = this._lastKeys[key];
      const lastAltKeyPressed = this._lastKeys[altKey];
      const lastJoyButtonPressed = this._lastJoyButtons[joyButton];
      const lastAltJoyButtonPressed = this._lastJoyButtons[altJoyButton];
      const lastJoyAxisPressed = this._axisFromArrayIsPressed( joyAxis, this._lastJoyAxes );

      if (
        && !lastAltKeyPressed
        && !lastJoyButtonPressed
        && !lastAltJoyButtonPressed
        && !lastJoyAxisPressed
      ) {
        return true;

    return false;

   * return true if the standard game button was released this frame
   * @param {number} buttonCode
  getButtonUp( buttonCode ) {
    const currentPressed = this.getButtonPressed( buttonCode );

    if ( !currentPressed ) {
      const key = this._buttonsToKeys[buttonCode];
      const altKey = this._buttonsToAltKeys[buttonCode];
      const joyButton = this._buttonsToJoyButtons[buttonCode];
      const altJoyButton = this._buttonsToAltJoyButtons[buttonCode];
      const joyAxis = this._buttonsToJoyAxes[buttonCode];

      const lastKeyPressed = this._lastKeys[key];
      const lastAltKeyPressed = this._lastKeys[altKey];
      const lastJoyButtonPressed = this._lastJoyButtons[joyButton];
      const lastAltJoyButtonPressed = this._lastJoyButtons[altJoyButton];
      const lastJoyAxisPressed = this._axisFromArrayIsPressed( joyAxis, this._lastJoyAxes );

      if (
        || lastAltKeyPressed
        || lastJoyButtonPressed
        || lastAltJoyButtonPressed
        || lastJoyAxisPressed
      ) {
        return true;

    return false;

   * update standard game button states.
  _updateButtons() {
    this._updateButton( 'left', Input.GAME_LEFT );
    this._updateButton( 'right', Input.GAME_RIGHT );
    this._updateButton( 'up', Input.GAME_UP );
    this._updateButton( 'down', Input.GAME_DOWN );

    this._updateButton( 'action1', Input.GAME_ACTION_ONE );
    this._updateButton( 'action2', Input.GAME_ACTION_TWO );
    this._updateButton( 'action3', Input.GAME_ACTION_THREE );
    this._updateButton( 'action4', Input.GAME_ACTION_FOUR );
    this._updateButton( 'leftTrigger', Input.GAME_LEFT_TRIGGER );
    this._updateButton( 'rightTrigger', Input.GAME_RIGHT_TRIGGER );

    this._updateButton( 'pause', Input.GAME_PAUSE );

    this._updateButton( 'menuLeft', Input.MENU_LEFT );
    this._updateButton( 'menuRight', Input.MENU_RIGHT );
    this._updateButton( 'menuUp', Input.MENU_UP );
    this._updateButton( 'menuDown', Input.MENU_DOWN );

    this._updateButton( 'menuConfirm', Input.MENU_CONFIRM );
    this._updateButton( 'menuBack', Input.MENU_BACK );

   * Update the state for a standard game button.
   * @param {*} name
   * @param {*} index
  _updateButton( name, index ) {
    const pressed = this.getButtonPressed( index );
    const down = this.getButtonDown( index );
    const up = this.getButtonUp( index );

    this[name] = { pressed, down, up };

Input.GAME_LEFT = 0;
Input.GAME_RIGHT = 1;
Input.GAME_UP = 2;
Input.GAME_DOWN = 3;
Input.GAME_PAUSE = 8;

Input.MENU_LEFT = 11;
Input.MENU_RIGHT = 12;
Input.MENU_UP = 13;
Input.MENU_DOWN = 14;
Input.MENU_CONFIRM = 15;
Input.MENU_BACK = 16;

export default Input;